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These are related to the Gojiberry news, in which you can learn about the latest trends in Gojiberry and related information industry, to help you better understand and expand Gojiberry market.
  • 2025-02-20

    Is it OK to eat goji berries everyday?
    IntroductionGoji berries, also known as wolfberries, have been a staple in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. In recent years, they have gained popularity worldwide as a superfood, touted for their rich nutritional profile and potential health benefits. With their vibrant red hue and sweet-
  • 2024-11-27

    How to eat Gojiberry
    How to eat Gojiberry In China, Gojiberry has been used as food and medicine for more than 2,000 years.This superfood is rich in phenolic compounds, flavonoids, betaine, B-complex vitamins and carotenoids. Due to its high antioxidant levels, it may help slow down aging and prevent oxidative damage. T
  • 2024-10-10

    Milk flavored Goji Berry Cake
    Today I'm sharing a super simple pastry! The process is very easy to complete in just 5 minutes! I love this flavor so much. It's full of milk fragrance, soft and sweet, and delicious! Ingredients: 100g glutinous rice flour 80g flour 30g sugar 200g milk Adequate amount of goji berries Steps: Putting
  • 2024-07-05

    Goji berry Chestnut Chicken Soup
    枸杞板栗鸡汤 夏天天气干燥,要多喝点滋补暖胃的汤,今天给大家推荐一款枸杞板栗鸡汤,汤鲜味美,超级好喝! 食材: 土鸡半只 板栗200克 红枣10多粒 枸杞10多粒 姜适量 步骤: 锅中倒入适量清水,鸡肉放入锅中,加姜,2勺料酒煮开,捞出洗净备用。 鸡肉下锅,放入姜片、红枣,倒入适量清水,盖上锅盖大火煮30分钟。 倒入板栗再炖10分钟,起锅加枸杞,1勺盐鸡精调味。 来源:小红书
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